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Success Stories


Forensic Audit

A company in the construction sector requested an investigation for lack of contract and non-compliance by suppliers.


Result: Identification of conflict of interest between collaborators and suppliers of the company. Equity loss was detected.


A company in the automotive industry requested a review of its list of suppliers and customers to see if it could work with them and minimize risks.


Result: An optimal client and supplier classification was achieved for the client.



A manufacturing company requested to verify its computer security model.


Result: Vulnerabilities were detected and controls applied.


A transnational laboratory requested the investigation of product and transport theft.


Result: Those responsible were identified and controls were implemented to prevent future product theft.



For human resources, a global company in the financial sector requested an investigation of the personnel it hires.

Result: It was possible to identify candidates with certain backgrounds.

Computer Forensics

A company in the food sector requested an investigation to find out about the activities carried out on a collaborator's computer equipment, since it was presumed to be involved in fraud.

Result: Our experts found evidence of irregular conduct in the handling of information and accounting.


Agrarian Litigation

We are experts in agrarian matters, so we have helped ejidatarios, community members and individuals in everything related to agrarian matters.


Culiacán 33, Int.202 
Colonia Condesa, CDMX

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Mexican Firm with more than 30 years of experience in Legal and Litigation matters, Forensic Investigations, Compliance, Government Relations, Anti-Corruption, Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Fraud, Cybercrime, Cyberintelligence, Computer Forensics, Intelligence / Background Checks , Security, White Papers and Government Audit, Mergers and Acquisitions, Electoral Crimes and Political Marketing and Prevention of Reputational Risks.

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